Eu sou um de mim mesmo para cada pessoa.Um diferente eu pra todos que me conhecem,seja a fundo ou superficialmente na fila de espera do banco.No calor eu sou melhor a alguns,no frio sou quente,na chuva eu amo,no vento eu leio,mas sempre diferente.E é complicado as vezes colocar tudo em ordem por aqui,então se eu fui um eu,de outro alguém,pra você hoje,perdoe-me,não eu era eu.
Oh, Charlie Brown, you know, you understand . Everthing is very confused here. All very difficult and sometimes I don't understand. Life is something inexplicable , time pressure on you and makes you think the other night. Be happy always seems to have a price or a fault . be free always seems to be wrong and no matter how immature it is, this feeling will not go away. Having a place to escape. I had , someone to hug, my friends but until I went private. But I don't blame anyone for this ,Charlie. I understand the needs of others before me and I know ,one day it will all fit and make sense. Hope before long, my friend Charlie. Sigh. "Sleep don't visit, so I choke on sun ...
Olha, tentando ser Tamires é? hauhauhau para de tamiresar!